Winners Chapel International, Johannesburg CBD, is a branch of the Living Faith Church Worldwide. Living Faith Church Worldwide,also known as Winners' Chapel International is an end time liberation Ministry presided over byBishop David O. Oyedepo with worldwide headquarters in Canaan Land, Ota, Nigeria.
The Mandate
“The hour has come to liberate the world from from every Oppression of the Devil”.
Our Mandate for ministry was received from the LORD Himself in an 18-hour vision. During this vision, a commission was received from the LORD to liberate mankind in all facets of human existence, to restore broken destinies, and to bring healing to the sick and brokenhearted. Today, testimonies of liberation through our messages, books, tapes, magazines and other periodicals are most humbling. The word of faith is working like fire for the liberation of mankind across the nations.

The Sent Man
“And I am sending you, David to Undertake this Task”.
Bishop David O. Oyedepo received a call into the ministry through a heavenly vision, where he saw a lineup of battered, beaten, tattered, deformed, groaning for escape, he began sobbing with the. In response to his question, ‘but why Lord?’ God answered, “But from the beginning it was not so, and now the hour has come to liberate the whole world from all oppression of the devil through the preaching of the world of faith and I AM sending you to undertake this task.”
Today, he stands as an Apostle of Faith to the nations, the impact of whose ministry has continued to spread across many nations of the world. As an accomplished author, he has written over 100 titles, which circulates both in hard and online stores around the world. A number of these titles have been translated to other major languages of the world including French, Chinese, Spanish and others.
The 12 Pillars
God commissioned the presiding Bishop of this commission with a Word of Faith ministry to our generation. As inspired by the Holy Ghost, the servant of God, Dr. David Oyedepo, has classifed the Word of Faith into specific areas of emphasis.